Please complete the form below 

Email Address:
I would like to:
Lead Intercessions      
Give a testimony       

When providing a recording  for inclusion in a service please
  • record in landscape format not portrait as you might normally do on phone (i.e. hold the phone sideways not upright) - rather than holding the phone in your hand, prop it up in a position where you can see your own image clearly on the screen, so that the phone is steady and you can send an image with which you are happy
  • try to look at the camera not your own image on the screen (so it looks as though you're looking at the “audience” not something off to one side)
  • take time to speak slowly and with expression - try not to rush
  • time your pauses to coincide with full stops and commas when reading and use inflection to convey the sense. 
  • wait at least five seconds after pressing record and before pressing stop – this allows us to cut the video to remove the leaning forward and back to press buttons.
  • watch the recording through after finishing to ensure that you have you read everything correctly and that what you say makes sense
When praying for pastoral needs in the fellowship please avoid using people's names unless you have their permission beforehand. Otherwise, please keep pastoral prayers of a general nature. 

If you would rather not do a video recording, just let us know and we will use an audio recording of your voice. If you send us a photo, we can use this still picture of you while you are reading or praying.